
The check-in for dormitory accommodations is located in Drackett Tower (F) at 161 Curl Drive.

Drackett Tower, phone number 614-292-8611, will open at 10:00 a.m. Sunday, June 14 and remain open 24 hours a day through the Symposium. If you wait until check-in to pay your dorm bill, the dorm does accept MasterCard/Visa. You will be expected to pay the post-May 15 rate of $39/night for single, $23/night for regular double and $22/night for student double.

The dorm dining room will open Tuesday evening for dinner. Meal plans may be purchased upon registration. Prices are: Breakfast - $4.50; Lunch - $6.00; Dinner - $7.00

If you would like accommodations on Saturday night, June 13, call either the Holiday Inn on the Lane (listed below) or Ramada University Hotel (listed below). Identify yourself as being with the Molecular Spectroscopy Symposium to get the OSU discount. NOTE: The Ramada University Hotel does have shuttle service to campus. Inquire upon check-in.

Other hotels close to campus include:

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Last Update: May 26 1998