
REBECCA A. PEEBLES, AMELIA J. THOMAS, MICHAL M. SERAFIN AND SEAN A. PEEBLES, Department of Chemistry, Eastern Illinois University, 600 Lincoln Ave., Charleston, IL 61920.

The rotational spectrum of the CH2F2 cdots CO2 dimer has been measured using chirped-pulse and resonant cavity Fourier-transform microwave (FTMW) spectroscopy, with the broadband spectrum playing an essential role in allowing identification of the tunneling splittings. The observed a-type transitions were doubled by a few megahertz, while c-type transitions were split by around 200 MHz, suggesting a tunneling motion that inverts the µc dipole moment component. A Pickett-type coupled Hamiltonian has been used to analyze the spectra, giving an energy difference ( Delta E) between the tunneling states for the normal isotopologue of 115.140(2) MHz, and rotational constants of A0 = 5567.8604(27) MHz, B0 = 1832.9676(5) MHz, C0 = 1828.6132(5) MHz, A1 = 5567.8540(26) MHz, B1 = 1831.7711(4) MHz, C1 = 1828.6106(4) MHz. It was also necessary to include a Coriolis coupling term (Gb = 7.740(6) MHz) as well as fourth and sixth order centrifugal distortion constants to obtain a satisfactory spectroscopic fit. The rotational constants and planar moments are consistent with a Cs symmetry structure in which the C2 axis of CH2F2 makes an angle of roughly 23o with the axis of the CO2, with the fluorine atoms of CH2F2 straddling the CO2 carbon atom. The spectra of five additional isotopologues were analyzed, providing detailed structural information, and all except the mixed C18O16O species showed inversion splittings similar to the normal species. The observation of unsplit spectra for two distinct C18O16O isotopologues confirms that the internal motion involves movement of the CH2F2 subunit between the two ends of the CO2 molecule.