
JEFF LEIDING, DAVID E. WOON AND THOM H. DUNNING JR., Department of Chemistry, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana IL, 61801.

We have identified bond-stretch isomers in 3A'' excited states of SFCl and other triatomic sulfur halides using high-level ab initio techniques [RCCSD(T)/aug-cc-pVQZ]. These bond-stretch isomers are true minima on their potential energy surfaces, and they are manifested by alternation in bond type: There is a shorter (covalent) bond, and longer (recoupled pair) bond in all cases, while the bond angle is nearly constant for the isomers ( sim90\circ). The SFCl isomers are sim15 kcal/mol above a third nearly linear isomer on the PES for which both bonds are recoupled pair bonds. The recoupled pair bond is one in which the p2 pair of singlet coupled electrons on the sulfur has been decoupled so that one of the electrons is recoupled to form a bond with a halogen and is typically sim0.3 Å longer than a covalent bond. The bond-stretch isomers are interesting because the potential in the direction of bond alternation is very flat, and the barrier between the isomers is very low (<1.0 kcal/mol for SFCl, for example). Harmonic frequencies of these minima and the transition states between them have been calculated. Potential energy surfaces are being calculated in order to obtain a numerical solution to the nuclear Schrödinger equation.