Instructions for EAS

Electronically transmitted abstracts have several advantages including: speed of delivery, savings in mailing, and electronic processing in the Symposium office eliminating typing errors. Generally speaking, if you know how to use a Web browser, submitting your abstract electronically is by far the easiest approach and will ensure the highest quality reproduction in the abstract book. Your electronic abstract will be processed upon receipt by a LaTeX compiler, supporting all the capabilities of LaTeX-2e. However, you do not need any real knowledge of LaTeX to submit an abstract electronically. Simply download template (illustrated below) and type with any ordinary (ASCII) text editor, the required information and save the file in plain text.

To submit the abstract, go to the submission site. Choose the appropriate values from the drop-down boxes, then use the browser to upload the file (or cut and paste) you previously prepared. Then submit your abstract and follow the instructions on the succeeding pages. Besides the template, we have several other aids to help make the submission process as painless as possible. During the submittal process you can see how your abstract will appear in the Abstract Book, even if you are unable to compile it locally (see item 1 below the template). On our WWW site we provide two helpful pages. One (LaTeX Help page) shows how to construct the common special symbols that appear in Symposium abstracts. The other page (view Example Abstracts) gives several example LaTeX files and a picture of how each will appear.

The style file, mss.sty, uses LaTeX-2e specific code and therefore will not run under older compilers. Correspondingly mss.sty interprets a number of command lines in the template, e.g., \title, \address, etc. For those of you with the older compilers, avoid difficulties by previewing your abstract text with your own compiler, then just follow a "fill-in-the-blank" approach with the command lines in the template that your compiler does not support. The completed abstract should be acceptable when it is processed by the LaTeX-2e compiler here. It's appearance can be tested by the procedure described above.

DO NOT resubmit your abstract or a "revised" copy electronically. DO NOT send us an additional paper copy. Either action could result in your abstract being included twice in the program. (If you have questions, email those questions to referring to the abstract's p-number if it has been submitted.)

Please note that we can only handle one format for electronic submission. LaTeX was chosen because of its support by several American professional societies and widespread use in the worldwide scientific community.

In the following template, downloadable from our ftp site, replace strings of upper case characters, ie. AUTHOR ADDRESS, with information appropriate to the content of your abstract. SEE NOTE 3 FOR CAPITALIZATION RULES ON TITLES AND AUTHORS. SEE LaTeX Help IF YOU WISH TO USE NON-ENGLISH CHARACTERS IN YOUR NAMES AND/OR ADDRESSES. Please refer to the example abstracts for clarification. (Note that lines beginning with % are "comments" and not processed by LaTeX.)

% ------  begin electronic abstract submission template -----
% ------  Version 2.0 last modified on Tues Jan 2005  -----

\comment{COMMENT TEXT}

\author{\underline{FULL NAME OF SPEAKER}, OTHER AUTHOR(S)}



% ------   end  electronic abstract submission template ------

The above template has multiple sections, each of which require some explanation which is given below.

1. The lines with the LaTeX-2e commands 'documentclass' and 'usepackage' specify the style your printed abstract will have. If you want to preview your abstract locally you must place the file mss.sty where your LaTeX compiler can find it (typically in the same directory as your abstract file) before processing. To get a copy of the style file, go to our FTP site and download the file mss.sty from it. If possible you are encouraged to view or print your abstract locally before submission.

2. The comment line allows any special message that you require to be passed to the Symposium organizers. It will not be printed, but may contain information about your abstract. It will be read before the talks are scheduled. This is where you should note if you want your talk to be considered for the Rao Prize competition.

3. Category and time preference are now specified by drop down boxes in the web form (rather than as explicit commands previously in the abstract body). This year's categories are:

         1. Theory
         2. Electronic (UV/VIS/NIR)
         3. Infrared/Raman (Vibrational)
         4. Microwave (Rotational)
         5. Matrix/Condensed Phase
         6. Radicals and Ions
         7. Atmospheric Species
         8. Astronomical Species and Processes
         9. Dynamics
        10. Mini-symposium: FIR/THz Air/Space Missions
        11. Mini-symposium: Conical Intersections
	12. Mini-symposium: Cavity Enhanced Spectroscopy
	UNKNOWN. No Preference

4. The next section specifies the title and author/address list. Please note that special capitalization rules must be followed in these entries so that all titles and author lines appear uniform in the program. The title and the authors' name (but not the addresses) should be ALL CAPITALS, with the exception of special symbols, e.g., Ca, Al, (a designation of first excited state of different multiplicity from the ground state), etc. in the titles and special names like McKELLAR, McCOY, the conjunction "and" before the last of a series of authors, etc. PLEASE NOTE THAT THE COMPUTER WILL CHECK TO SEE WHETHER THESE CONVENTIONS ARE OBEYED AND REJECT ABSTRACTS THAT ARE NON-CONFORMING. In the title and author/address list, the inserted text may span more than one line. The author and address lines are paired. A given author line may contain more than one name, but all must be associated with the same address. An author at another institution requires both another author line and an address line. As many paired author/address lines may be entered as needed. The authors will be displayed on the printed abstract in the order entered. Only the name of the author presenting the paper should be underlined. If you do not need all the author and address lines in the template, delete the unused ones or your abstract will be mis-formatted. Conversely, additional author and address lines may be added as needed.

IF YOUR LAST NAME ENDS IN JR. (e.g., Knight, Jr.) ENTER YOUR LAST NAME AS "KNIGHT, JR." (This will make your name sort correctly in the Author Index.)

5. After the LaTeX command lines "\begin{document}", and "\maketitle", the body of the abstract should be entered. It can take advantage of all the special symbols, and control (superscripts, subscripts, etc.) available in LaTeX documents, but may be a simple text only. Examples of such material are available on either our web site. A single example will be found at the end of this document.

6. The last line "\end{document}" completes the document, and is not to be changed.

7. SUBMITTING ABSTRACTS WITH FIGURES -- Inclusion of graphics, e.g., figures in abstracts, is becoming more popular. Our compiler supports 3 packages to make it easier to include graphics. They are eps, graphics, and wrapfig, which respectively allow the inclusion of encapsulated postscript (eps) files, postscript (ps) files, and to wrap text about a figure. You may view an example of an abstract including a figure by referring to abstract example 6. Please note that all abstracts must end with at least one line of text (not graphics); otherwise they cannot be processed correctly by the algorithm that produces the spacing in the abstract book.

8. Some important DON'Ts to remember.

DO NOT use "\parwidth" environment to insert a figure.

DO NOT (under any circumstances) add definitions

DO NOT put \thanks{} in the title (do it as a \footnote{} in the title)

DO NOT put superscripts in "\address{}"

DO NOT put superscripts in "\author{}".

Please note that we can only handle one form of document for electronic submission, and that LaTeX was chosen for its support by several American professional societies and widespread use by the worldwide scientific community.

For those who are interested in learning more about LaTeX the following resources are available:

  1. Leslie Lamport. LaTeX - A Document Preparation System -
     User's Guide and Reference Manual. 2nd edition
     Addison-Wesley, Reading, 1994.
  2. Michel Goossens, Frank Mittelbach and Alexander Samarin.
     The LaTeX Companion. Addison-Wesley, Reading, 1994.
  3. Sheldon Green's Hypertext Help with LaTeX,
  4. Helmut Kopka and Patrick W. Daly,
     A Guide to LaTeX2e: Document Preparation for Beginners and
     Avanced Users, 2nd Edition Addison-Wesley, 1995. ISBN:

Below is the LaTeX text that will produce the sample abstract in the paper version of the Symposium flyer. The resulting abstract is also viewable on our web site as example abstract 0.

% ------  begin electronic abstract submission example -----
% ------        Symposium flyer example abstract       -----

\comment{Please schedule this paper immediately after the one by
the same authors entitled "Bromine and Iodine Spectra ..."}


\address{Department of Chemistry, Vanderbilt University, Nashville,
\author{\underline{X.~ZHENG}, F.~FEI, and M.~C.~HEAVEN}
\address{Department of Chemistry, Emory University, Atlanta,


The $A^{\prime }$ state of I$_2$ was observed for the first time in a
free-jet expansion, where it was prepared by ArF laser excitation of
I$_2$/Ar mixtures close to the nozzle \footnote{J.~Tellinghuisen,
  S.~Fei, X.~Zheng, and M.~C.~Heaven, Chem.~Phys.~Lett. 176, 373
  (1991).}. Twenty-seven bands in the v$^{\prime \prime }=0$
progression of the $D^{\prime }-A^{\prime }$ transition were studied
by laser excitation spectroscopy, leading to the following improved
constants (cm$^{-1}$) for the $A^{\prime }$ and $D^{\prime }$ states:


\begin{tabular}{r@{ = }l@{ }r@{ = }l@{ }r@{ = }l}
$B_0^{\prime \prime }$ & $0.028054$, &
$B_e^{\prime }$        & $0.020526$, &
$\alpha_e^{\prime }$   & $5.3\times 10^{-5}$, \\ 
$\omega _e^{\prime }$    & $103.953$, &
$\omega _ex_e^{\prime }$ & $0.2097$, & 
$\omega_ey_e^{\prime }$  & $2.687\times 10^{-4}$.


Many bands of the $\beta -A$ transition have also been observed. These
originate from $A$, $v^{\prime \prime }=0$, and terminate on levels with $%
25\leq v^{\prime }\leq 68$ of the $\beta $ state. Full analyses of both band
systems will be presented.

% ------   end  electronic abstract submission example -----

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Last modified on Thu, 5 Mar 19109 by SDP