
SHANSHAN YU, BRIAN J. DROUIN, JOHN C. PEARSON AND HERBERT M. PICKETT, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91109; VALERIO LATTANZI AND ADAM WALTERS, Centre d'Etude Spatiale des Rayonnements, Université de Toulouse [UPS], CNRS [UMR 5187], 9 avenue du Colonel Roche, BP 44346, F-31028 Toulouse Cedex 4, France.

Symmetric molecules have no permanent dipole moment and are undetectable by rotational spectroscopy. Their interstellar observations have previously been limited to mid-infrared vibration-rotation spectroscopy. Although relatively weak, vibrational difference bands provide a means for detection of non polar molecules by terahertz techniques with microwave precision. Herschel, SOFIA, and ALMA have the potential to identify a number of difference bands of light symmetric species, e.g., C2H2, CH4 and C3. This paper reports the results of the laboratory study on 12C2H2 and 12C2D2. The symmetric isotopomers of acetylene have two bending modes, the trans bending nu4 (1 pig), and the cis bending nu5 (1 piu). For 12C2H2, the two bending modes occur at 612 and 729 cm-1, respectively. For 12C2D2, the two bending modes occur at 511 and 538 cm-1. The nu5- nu4 difference bands are allowed and occur in the microwave, terahertz, and far-infrared wavelengths, with band origins at 117 cm-1 (3500 GHz) for 12C2H2 and 27 cm-1 (900 GHz) for 12C2D2.

Two hundred and fifty-one 12C2D2 transitions, which are from nu5- nu4, ( nu5+ nu4)-2 nu4 and 2 nu5-( nu5+ nu4) bands, have been measured in the 0.2-1.6 THz region, and 202 of them were observed for the first time. The precision of these measurements is estimated to be from 50 kHz to 100 kHz. A multistate analysis was carried out for the bending vibrational modes nu4 and nu5 of 12C2D2, which includes the lines observed in this work and prior microwave, far-infrared and infrared data on the pure bending levels. Significantly improved molecular parameters were obtained for 12C2D2 by adding the new measurements to the old data set which had only 10 lines with microwave measurement precision. The experiments on 12C2H2 are in progress and ten P branch lines have been observed. We will present the 12C2H2 results to date.