
The check-in for dormitory accommodations is located in Royer Activity Center at 85 Curl Drive.

Royer Activity Center, phone number 614-292-9725, will open at 10:00 a.m. Sunday, June 17 and remain open 24 hours a day through the Symposium. If you wait until check-in to pay your dorm bill, the dorm does accept MasterCard/Visa. You will be expected to pay the post-May 15 rate of $50/night for single, $30/night for regular double and $29/night for student double.

If you would like accommodations on Saturday night, June 16, call Holiday Inn on the Lane or The Blackwell. Identify yourself as being with the "Molecular Spectroscopy Conference" or "MSS" to get the OSU discount. Double rooms are available.
A NOTE FROM BECKY GREGORY 5/25/07: We cannot accept anymore reservation for the OSU Dorms thru our registration website. They are almost full. If you want to register and reserve a dorm room, please download a registration form and fax it to my office. I will make the reservations and let you know your status as soon as I can.
Pre-registration forms are available by thru this link in PDF or Word format.
We should be able to accommodate anyone who has registered and requested a dorm room as of May 25.
If you registered after May 15, please contact the MSS office by email to confirm your status. I apologize for any confusion this situation has created but we had a greater number of people pre-register by May 15 than was expected.

Hotels close to campus include:

***If you do not receive the rate mentioned at the corresponding hotel above, please email These rates are current as of 5/23/07.
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