Freeware Mini-symposium Presentations and Demos

The Freeware mini-symposium sessions will be held in 1000 McPherson Lab, a room well suited for computer presentations. It has 3 separate video projectors and screens (one large center and two smaller ones on either side) with the capability of two computer sources running independently. It is advised that presenters who wish to use computer presentations bring their laptops. The laptops can be plugged into the video system with a (supplied) standard video cable with RGB male connector. Alternatively the room has a PC computer connected to the video systems. Presentations on CDs can be played from it (assuming all required software is on the CD).

Several of the PC computers in the Physics Department normally used for email will be reserved on Monday evening, 5:30pm-7:30pm, for demos of the software discussed in the "freeware" mini-symposiums, sessions MG and TC. (An adjacent room will be reserved for demos on speaker's laptops.) Those wishing to demo software should either bring a copy on a CD, or before this symposium, they can correspond with J. D. Wear ( and forward their files which will be pre-loaded onto a computer.