
M. JACKSON, G. R. SUDHAKARAN, Department of Physics, University of Wisconsin, La Crosse, WI 54601; A. SILVEIRA JR., Department of Chemistry, SUNY at Oswego, Oswego, NY 13126; I. MUKHOPADHYAY, Laser Programme, Centre for Advanced Technology, Indore, India, 452 013; AND R. M. LEES, Department of Physics, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, N.B., Canada E3B 5A3.

The Stark spectra of several methanol isotopomers (CH3OD, 13CD3OH, CD3OH, and CD3OD) have been investigated in the far-infrared region using the HCN and DCN lasers. The spectra were recorded at room temperature for both parallel and perpendicular polarizations using electric fields up to 60~000 V/cm. Numerous transitions have been observed with these laser lines for all isotopomers. The following transitions will be presented: for CH3OD, JK~=~64~<-~53~E2~\upsilont~=~0, JK~=~181~<-~180~E2~\upsilont~=~1, JK~=~146~<-~135~A~\upsilont~=~1; for 13CD3OH, JK~=~182~<-~171~A-~\upsilont~=~0; and for CD3OH, JK~=~141~<-~150~E2~\upsilont~=~1.


Analysis of the recently recorded FTFIR spectra for CD3OD has yielded accurate zero-field frequencies belonging to the Q-branch multiplet for K~=~11~<-~10~E2~\upsilont~=~0. By combining these results with the previously reported Stark fields for the J = 11 through 19 members, we have determined the electric dipole moment of this important molecular species for the first time.