
MATTHEW P. JACOBSON, JONATHAN P. O'BRIEN, ROBERT J. SILBEY AND ROBERT W. FIELD, Department of Chemistry, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139.

We have investigated the large-amplitude bending dynamics of acetylene, in its ground electronic state, using an effective Hamiltonian model that reproduces all relevant experimental data (84 vibrational levels), up to 15,000 cm-1 in internal energy, with 1.4 cm-1 accuracy (1sigma). This investigation has been made possible by a numerical pattern recognition analysis of our dispersed fluorescence (DF) data set for the acetylene A1 Au -> X1 Sigmag+ system, which includes DF spectra recorded from five different vibrational levels of the A1 Au state. Through this pattern recognition analysis, polyad quantum numbers have been assigned to observed transitions in the DF spectra up to Evib = 15,000 cm-1. Our analysis of the ``pure bending'' polyads, which involve excitation exclusively in the trans\/ and cis\/ bending modes, has revealed a rich, but in many ways, suprisingly simple, dynamics at high internal energy (> 10,000 cm-1). Among the conclusions of this analysis is that, in many ways, the observed bending dynamics is somewhat simpler at 15,000 cm-1 than it is at 10,000 cm-1; this rather surprising result can be explained in terms of qualitative changes in the structures of the pure bending polyads as a function of increasing internal energy. In addition, the eigenfunctions of the effective Hamiltonian at high internal energy are classifiable in terms of ``local bending'' and ``librational'' motions; this observation implies that a localized model of the bending dynamics is more appropriate at high internal energy than a normal model model, and we have derived analytical expressions for converting between these two representations of the dynamics.