
The check-in for dormitory accommodations is located in Drackett Tower (F) at 161 Curl Drive.

Drackett Tower, phone number 614-292-8611, will open at 7:30 a.m. Sunday, June 15 and remain open 24 hours a day through the Symposium. If you wait until check-in to pay your dorm bill, the dorm does accept MasterCard/Visa. You will be expected to pay the post-May 15 rate of $37/night for single, $23/night for regular double and $22/night for student double.

The dorm dining room will open Tuesday evening for dinner. Meal plans may be purchased upon registration.

Prices are: Breakfast - $4.25; Lunch - $5.75; Dinner - $6.75

Other hotels close to campus include:

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Last Update: Mon Feb 3 1997 by SIP