MH13 15min5:05

KAREN A. KEPPLER, K. NARAHARI RAO, Department of Physics, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH 43210-1106; VL. G. TYUTEREV, S. N. MIKHAILENKO, GSMA U.A. CNRS D 1434, Faculté des Sciences, BP 347-51062 Reims Cédex France; G. CH. MELLAU, S. KLEE, B. P. WINNEWISSER AND M. WINNEWISSER, Physikalisch-Chemisches Institut, Justus-Liebig-Universität Giessen, D-35392 Giessen, Germany.

Self-broadening parameters have been extracted for selected transitions in the nu1, 2nu2 and nu3 bands of water vapor observed between 2500--4200 cm-1. The H2O spectrum at room temperature in natural isotopic abundance has been recorded in this region at pressure--broadening--limited resolution with a Bruker FTS 120HR and a White--type cell adjusted to provide pathlengths of 64.5--288.5m. Sample pressures used were 0.007--29.7mbar (0.005--22.3 Torr). Broadening coefficients determined for transitions in the nu2 band of water vapor in this study and earlier works are comparable. The results of the broadening determinations are presented and discussed.